Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

Has anyone tried it? How fast will it take for me to notice my hair??

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

never heard of it, sorry.

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

THose THings DOnt WOrk

Wild Hair Growth Oil?


there are some testimonials about Wild hair Growth Oil!

check it out!

Good Luck!!!

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

I found a much better product.

It is called Doo Gro Thicken Lotion and Doo Gro Stimulating Oil. I message both products on my scalp three times a week and I notice a great deal a hair growth in two months.

checked the website out. They have several products that promote hair growth.

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

Does hair that grow over the eyes of Maltese bother them? I'm worried that if I cut try to cut it, it'll poke into his eyes :O It's not serious right now, but just what if it grows longer.. Also, what's the best way to remove the tear staning that's forming below his eyes? Does this usually become a huge health problem?

Thanks for all your help! (The maltese is only 8-9 weeks old if it him on the 1st of Jan!)

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

If you can,t trim around his eyes then take him to Pets Mart and have them do it and that will help.Also making a dry paste of cornstarch rubbing it on then gently combing it out.I also keep sensitive baby wipes and wipe eye 2-3 X's a day that helps prevent the problem.Hope I helped Good Luck!!!!!!

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

This may help with the tear staining. Do not feed him any food with red food dye in it. I was told at the vets office last week, that is the best way to avoid the tear staining. I can't promise that it will work, but it might!

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

Are you going to show him? if not dont worry about the tear stains hes white hes bound to get the stains they will do him no harm, keep his eyes trim or leave it long it will soon fall from his face.....

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

Take him to the groomer. The sooner the better. As soon as he's completed his shots have him groomed. That way he will be used to it and it will not be traumatic later on.

Maltese are high maintenance dogs that need regular professional grooming. You can purchase tear stain remover at Petsmart/Petco.

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

Maltese definitely do not require professional grooming!!! Anyone who isn't too lazy to pick up a brush once a week can certainly take care of a tiny maltese. Get yourself a small sized pin brush to brush the dog and a slicker to tease out matts and brush your own dog.

As for the hair over the eyes, it doesn't really bother the dog, but what you can do when it gets long enough is put it up in a top knot. As for removing tear stains, all pet stores products to remove them. It's not a health problem, just discolors the hair is all.

If you want to trim your puppy's hair as he gets older, you can very easily train him to stand still and if you're nervous about trimming the hair over his eyes, use blunt-tipped scissors and do it slowly and calmly.

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

I read that cold used tea bag will help with the cleaning of the eyes, I have used it on my spaniel - they don't mind it and it seems to work OK

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

You can let a maltese's hair grow long and put it in a bow. But if you want to retain the "puppy cut" and are afraid to trim it yourself, take him to a groomer. It's not that expensive. We cut Our long haired toy chidoodle's hair with a pair of blunt-ended but sharp edged scissors. We use tear wipes for his eyes and occasionally we have to comb out eye goobers.

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

Why does he drink from a water bottle? A dish will do fine. The hair that grows over their eyes is fine, leave it alone. Tear staining, that will be an ongoing issue because the dogs eyes naturally tear. You can buy a product at a pet supply that you can use to bleach the stains. Unless you are showing your dog, it isn't hurting your animal.

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

take the poor dog to the groomers da

Concerning hair growth over eyes and tear staning of Maltese?

You can buy a solution at the pet store for the tear stains, Maltese are prone to them. Put his hair into a pony tail on top of his head, or take him to a groomer to have him trimmed. I personally think the pony tails are really cute. Make sure you brush him every day, matted hair is no fun for either of you.

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

I've heard that prentals will help my hair grow quickly from ALOT of people. If that is true, Should I use them? And do the make you gain weight? My doc says that they don't but I just want a 2nd oponion

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

nothing really makes your ahir grow faster

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

no, im also takin prenatals and they dont make you gain weigh. even though they do curve your appetite, so i suggest you eat healthy and excercise and you wont have to worry abot gaining any weight.

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

I don't think prenatal pills do anything but replace your body with what it missses during and after pregnancy. Pregnant women have this "magical" hairgrowth during pregnancy soley because their hormones make the shedding phase of hair stop. After childbirth women have extreme hair shedding because when those hormones go back to normal, the shedding starts again.

Taking the vitamins won't make you grow hair faster, it can make your hair grow healthy. Make sure you get your ends trimmed every 6 weeks, and deep condition bi-weekly. Drink plenty of water, and eat healthy as possible!

You can also try horsetail silica vitamin supplement. That seems to work well...Good Luck!

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

They do not make your hair grow faster and they do not make you gain weight. They can however nourish the hair folicle, which will keep your hair from breaking, which will make it appear thicker and seem to grow faster. If you are pregnant, then yes, you should use prenatals.

Prenatal, hair growth, and weight gain?

Are you pregnant? If you're not, check with your doctor and make sure that you're not overloading your body with vitamins and nutrients that may affect you adversly otherwise. If you really need your hair to grow quickly, get extensions. :)

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

Has anyone tried it? How fast will it take for me to notice my hair??

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

never heard of it, sorry.

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

THose THings DOnt WOrk

Wild Hair Growth Oil?


there are some testimonials about Wild hair Growth Oil!

check it out!

Good Luck!!!

Wild Hair Growth Oil?

I found a much better product.

It is called Doo Gro Thicken Lotion and Doo Gro Stimulating Oil. I message both products on my scalp three times a week and I notice a great deal a hair growth in two months.

checked the website out. They have several products that promote hair growth.

Hair gel positive or negtaive on hair growth?

Does hair gel damage hair or stop it from growing in any way?

Hair gel positive or negtaive on hair growth?

Hair gel does NOT impact the growth of your hair. Nutrition, health, pregnancy, genetics...they are what determines the pace of how fast your hair is going to grow. nothing topical, except Minoxidil, which is a prescription medication for hair regrowth for a certain type of hair loss will effect you hair growth. So go ahead - use that gel, hair spray, hair glue, etc...have fun!! Your not gonna lose your hair over it :)

Hair gel positive or negtaive on hair growth?

I wouldn't say so.

2 questions (about curl and hair growth)?

ok first question is..ok well i usually curl out

the ends of my hair and people say i look really

cute when i do that. yet it goes down the

next day and it looks bad when it's straight down.

i can't recurl it the next day since i'm going to go

to this thing where you can't bring these hair

curlers and stuff. any ideas on how to keep the curl

for about two to three days?

and second hair is cropped ok?

so the bottom of my hair barely reaches my shoulders

(or is a tiny bit shorter than that). since it's choppy,

the shorter part is 1-3 inches shorter than the

longer parts. i really want the shorter parts to be

about an inch lower than my shoulder by june.

if i kept growing my hair till the end of january,

the short hair will probably be right above

my shoulders. if i cut it choppy again,

how short should the long and short parts be,

so it will grow out past shoulder length

by june 20th? thanks.

2 questions (about curl and hair growth)?

dont cut it. let it grow out. i made that mistake by thinking it wuld be good if i cut it. but still make sure it blends together. if you want your whole hair curly... make your hair towel dried. then get gek and scrunch it up. use a lot of gel. that wont damage your hair like the curler will. also i think you can scruch only the bottom of your hair.

2 questions (about curl and hair growth)?

make it grow longer and then use a curling iron for curling the ends or maybe u just have dead ends

2 questions (about curl and hair growth)?

wow that is confuzzeling! ok for da 1st part put a lot of hairspray in or get it permed like dat!

for da 2nd part use maines and tails shampoo and conditioner! hope i helped!

Eyebrow hair growth?

I've plucked my eyebrows since i dont remember when the problem is i want to grow them out but it seems that the hair is not growing evenly %26amp; there is some places where it is not growing at all. Is there something i can do?

Eyebrow hair growth?

nope sorry uve over plucked and they arent gonna grow back the same EVER!

Eyebrow hair growth?

eyebrow pencil can fill in the empty spots

Eyebrow hair growth?

i had the same problem. when you pluck out a hair, the pore and hair follicle close up, so another hair will never grow out of that pore. if you've been plucking for awhile, it'll take more than a few weeks to grow it out. if this is your first time over-plucking, everything should look alright in a few weeks.

hope all goes well! let me know how you're doing.

Eyebrow hair growth?

Probably not; once a hair is plucked out several times, it kills the growth area under the hair follicle, or someimes damages it so the hair gows in much finer.

Invest in a good powder eyebrow enhancer; pencil looks awful and fake on everyone, but the new powders can be used subtley to create the look you want.