Friday, November 13, 2009

Tips on hair growth?

i am just 16 years old and i found out that i have some minor hair loss in the middle on my head, is the area around the "circle" of the whole head. i am wondering how can i reduce hair loss and make the hair loss parts grow hair . wat are the ways to do so other then seeing the doctor . low cost ways i mean.

Tips on hair growth?

If you don't start a program now before the hair loss becomes really bad, nothing will work but a hair transplant. I suggest Nioxin shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treatment. One of the main reasons men get hair loss is because of a buildup of a type of testosterone on the hair follicle. Nioxin neutralizes this and helps stimulate your scalp to help the hair re-grow. You will be able to find this product either in salons or on the internet. Nioxin has a few different types of shampoos. They have some for fine hair and thicker hair types. Pick the shampoo that is right for your hairtype and you'll see a huge difference in a few months. I would at least stick to this program every day for about 6 months to see the greatest improvement. If it seems to be working, continue using it.

Tips on hair growth?

your hair loss is genetic.. it will get worse but there is a pill that I have been on for 10 yrs called propecia which will not allow any more hair to fall out. you have to start early because once your hair falls out not much works and trust me that sh*t you see on tv doesn't work. I wish I would've started on it at your age but atleast I have the same amount of hair for 10 yrs....Good Luck...propecia will run about 40 dollars a month but well worth it

Tips on hair growth?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

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