Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hair growth, how long?

If my hair grows pretty fast, how long do you think it woudl take for it to grow long? Rigth now it is about

91/2 in (but it's wavy so it ilooks 7 in) my desired length is probably 12-14in...with the waviness

how logn do you think until it grows to that length?

Hair growth, how long?

Hair grows about 1/2" per month. It should take about 6 months to be 12 1/2" long and probably look 10" long. Give it a year to look like you want it, but be sure and keep it in tip-top condition or the ends will snap off and keep looking shorter. Also, it's a really good idea to get your ends snipped every 3 months or so. Have someone you trust to take just the tips 1/16" off at a time. Happy growing.

Hair growth, how long?

probably like 4 months

Hair growth, how long?

It really just depends on how well you take care of it. If you wash it and get your dead ends trimmed off every month or so then it should grow fast, but if you let your dead ends grow a long time then your hair will grow very slow.

*~*good luck*~*

p.s. if you want to look more into it when you go to get your hair trimmed ask your hair stylist!

Hair growth, how long?

about 2 years

Hair growth, how long?

Maybe 5 months if you take proper care of it.

Make sure to trim off your dead ends every month or so.

This should make it grow faster.

Hair growth, how long?

Maybe about 6 months.

Take proper care of your hair.

Trim off dead ends every month or so.

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